The effect of the efficiency of monetary policy educational tools on the financial soundness of banks A pilot study in the Iraq Stock Exchange (2007-2017)


  • Nasreen Mohamed AL-hakim Department of Banking and Financial Sciences, College of Management and Economics, University of Duhok (visitor at Nawroz University), Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Akram S. Yousif Department of Economics, College of Management and Economics, University of Duhok (visitor at Nawroz University), Kurdistan Region of Iraq



monetary policy, quantitative tools of monetary policy, financial soundness, the CAMEL model, Iraq Stock Exchange Market.


The aim of the research is to identify the impact of the quantitative tools of monetary policy on the financial soundness of banks, and the research was based on a set of hypotheses, to determine the nature of the effect between independent and dependent variables, and for the purpose of testing research hypotheses, a number of financial ratios according to CAMEL indicators were used to analyze the historical data of banks, the research sample and the component From (7) banks for the period (2007-2017), the quantitative tools of monetary policy were used from the impact published in the Central Bank of Iraq, and a number of statistical methods were used, including time series testing, joint integration test and multiple regression test according to programs.EVIES10 has been reached through the research to a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the CAMEL classification system is one of the effective supervisory methods for assessing the financial soundness of banks and determining the duration of the strength and durability of their financial positions and the extent of their ability to adapt to any variables related to their activities, as it ensures that the banks are moving in the direction. Correct or reverse, and the weakness of the monetary policy tools applied by the Central Bank of Iraq due to the limited Iraqi market for securities as it is still incomplete conditions as a secondary market that contributes to expanding the circulation of securities, which constitutes a burden on the use of quantitative tools of the Central Bank of Iraq, especially open market operations,As well as the weakness of the legal reserve ratio in the impact on the ability of commercial banks to grant credit, because commercial banks in Iraq enjoy high liquidity due to the high rate of inflation significantly. The research also presented a set of proposals, the most important of which is the activation of the monetary policy tools of the Central Bank of Iraq, which is currently being used to modernize, develop and increase the efficiency of the stock market in Iraq to keep pace with developments in global markets,nd developing the supervisory and supervisory role of the Central Bank of Iraq over Iraqi banks in terms of the extent of their commitment to regulations and laws and activating and activating the banking sector in a way that serves to build a banking infrastructure that keeps pace with the development of international banks. Delinquency and low capital adequacy ratio, thus hedging and beware of any problems that arise in the banking sector.

Key words: monetary policy, quantitative tools of monetary policy, financial soundness, the CAMEL model, Iraq Stock Exchange Market.


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How to Cite

AL-hakim, N. M., & Yousif, A. S. (2021). The effect of the efficiency of monetary policy educational tools on the financial soundness of banks A pilot study in the Iraq Stock Exchange (2007-2017). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(2), 54–75.


