The use of game theory in the global wheat market


  • Ghasan Ibrahim Ahmed Department of Financial and Banking Sciences/ College of Administration and Economics/ Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Maher O. Ali Department of Financial and Banking Sciences/ College of Administration and Economics/ Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



نظرية الالعاب ، س, ق القمح ، نم, ذج ك, رن, ت



Wheat is of great importance on the economic and political levels as a strategic commodity and despite the world's trend towards economic freedom and the elimination of subsidies, the developed countries exporting wheat still support this strategic crop that falls within the oligopoly market and the research tries to apply the oligopoly market to the global wheat market. As it emerged from the results of the application of the Cornute model that the main wheat market has the characteristics of oligopoly.


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قائمة المصادر
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5- Amos Golan & other , 1999 , Estimating Coke & Pepsis Price & Advertising Strategies , American University.
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7- Burkhard C .Schipper, (2002), Imitators and Optimizers in Cournot Oligopoly, University of Bonn.
8- ريتشارد هــ ، 1989 ، نظام الاسعار وتخصيص الموارد ، ترجمة د.عبدالتواب اليماني ود.عبدالحفيظ محمود الزليطي ، منشورات جامعة فاريوس ، بنغازي ، ليبيا.



How to Cite

Ibrahim Ahmed, G., & O. Ali, M. (2021). The use of game theory in the global wheat market. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(3), 128–136.




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