The role of social media in forming political awareness (An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of students from public universities in the city of Duhok)


  • Idow Abdal Khamoka Duhok Polytechnic University, Technical College of Administrative, Iraqi Kurdistan



This research paper seeks to know the role of social media in forming and enhancing political awareness among students of public universities in the city of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In order to reach objective and acceptable results, the researcher formulated a research problem and developed a set of questions that require answers in the context of the research. As for the hypothesis on which the research was based, it is summarized that social networking sites have a role in forming political awareness among the studied group. In collecting information and data related to the theoretical framework, the researcher relied on studies and literature related to the research. The researcher also resorted to the descriptive and analytical methodology in the research, and relied on a research questionnaire designed to collect information and opinions of the research sample consisting of (258) male and female students at the universities of Duhok and Duhok Technical University, as they are governmental universities. After completing the writing and explaining the theoretical concepts and analyzing the field side of the study, the researcher came to a set of conclusions and generalizations, the most important of which is that the students researched use social media sites at a high rate and rely on them to know political information and news as a quick and effective method that is not subject to effective control. It also contributes to activating political participation and consolidating their political awareness.


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How to Cite

Khamoka, I. A. (2021). The role of social media in forming political awareness (An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of students from public universities in the city of Duhok). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(1), 365–381.


