Strategic behavior styles and their role on achieving strategic performance requirements An exploratory research in a sample of industrial organizations in Dohuk Governorate - Iraq


  • Mehvan Shareef Yousif Department of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



 The current research aims to investigate the role of strategic behavior styles on achieving strategic performance requirements in industrial organizations. The research depends on a set of main and sub hypothetical which practically tested in a sample of industrial organizations in Duhok governorate, and included (50) employees in understudy organizations. The data were collected by using a questionnaire accomplished for this purpose, and it were statistically analyzed by consulting the SPSS program (version 22), to analyze correlations and effects relation between the research variables. The research came to a number of conclusions; the most important one is the presence of a moral correlation between strategic behavior styles and strategic performance. Further, exists a moral effect of strategic behavior styles in achieving strategic performance in understudy organizations, in the light of conclusions, some points were suggested, the most important one is the necessity of promoting and maintaining the availability of high levels of strategic behavior styles, and exploiting them to enhance the ability of achieving strategic performance requirements


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How to Cite

Shareef Yousif, M. (2022). Strategic behavior styles and their role on achieving strategic performance requirements An exploratory research in a sample of industrial organizations in Dohuk Governorate - Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(3), 597–613.


