Application of Critique of Criticism on Critique Texts of Abdulrahman Bamerni


  • Intisar N. Joqy Department of Kurdish Language, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Jiman S. Neema Department of Kurdish Language, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Huda S. Ahmad Department of Kurdish Language, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The critique of criticism is one of the new theories of criticism which focuses on the content of the text (literary and critical texts) and keeps a distance from external factors or external factors do not impact the critic and it is subjective. Throughout history, this theory appeared to have been termed differently. In the beginning of its emergence, it lacked obvious systematization. It came to life as critics criticized one text. This criticism requires revisiting the literary text (subjective). Literary criticism (methods and steps) revives the text literary and the creative text implies the perspectives of the author and two critics. This type of criticism does not have any identified grounds, it rather depends on the manner it is used thus the critic has to be vastly experienced and skilled. Such a critic does not have to be like an ordinary critic because he needs different tools, methodologies, and instructions.

This research has been accomplished under the title ″Application of  Critique of Criticism on Critique Texts of Abdulrahman Bamerni ″ wherein which we explained the theory of critique of criticism does not restrict itself to the text per se but it includes criticism, too. Through critique of another criticism, a new criticism comes to existence and this criticism can dissipate or be re-established, that is, it is a never-ending process. The critics of this theory keep revolving around the literary text because despite amendment of the critical text, it revisits the parts and aspects of the original text. This is the point of view held by critics on the method in question. Based on the texts to which this theory is applied in this study, it became clear that (Abdulrahman Bamerni) could not depend on an identified literary method to, on the basis of which, exercise criticism.


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لیستا ژێدەران

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سێ: ب زمانێ کوردى

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How to Cite

N. Joqy, I., S. Neema, J., & S. Ahmad, H. (2021). Application of Critique of Criticism on Critique Texts of Abdulrahman Bamerni . Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(3), 64–76.


