Effect of liquidity on the profitability of Iraq private banks "An applied analytical study of a sample of private banks listed in the Iraq market for securities"


  • araz omer University of Duhok




The study examined the analysis of the trends and levels of banking risk based on liquidity indicators as an attempt to find new analytical methods that contribute to resolving the clear conflict between the objectives of the bank, which is the profitability and liquidity. The problem of the study was to find a liquidity effect on profitability in private banks listed in the Iraqi market for securities During the period (2013-2018), and then identify and know the nature of the relationship between banking liquidity and profitability. The study aimed at showing the impact of liquidity on profitability in private banks listed in Iraq and their ability to cover their financial obligations. The main findings of the study show that most of the banks sample study did not succeed significantly in achieving the compatibility between the goal of liquidity and banking profitability goal, as characterized by the International Bank of Kurdistan for investment and development, which is characterized by high bank liquidity, and profits were stable to some extent, The second place in terms of bank liquidity and the decline in profits, which means that the liquidity was at the expense of profits, either the Bank of Baghdad and the Mansour Investment Bank was the reason for the decline in liquidity at the expense of increased investment in areas of risk, which led to the Of high profits. Through its conclusions, the study reached a number of recommendations, most notably the development and development of banking services through which the revenues of private banks could be increased. The private banks were recommended to diversify their investments, as well as to reduce the conservative policy pursued by banks. Profitability of the bank and the confidence of its clients.


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• قائمة المصادر

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How to Cite

omer, araz. (2022). Effect of liquidity on the profitability of Iraq private banks "An applied analytical study of a sample of private banks listed in the Iraq market for securities". Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(2), 175–186. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v11n2a1224


