Diagnosis of the reality of the dimensions of the phenomenon of harassment in the University of Duhok / a diagnostic study of the views of a sample of teachers and employees at the University of Dohuk


  • Sinan Q. H. Haidar Faculty of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq (Visitor in Nawroz University)




       The field of work is one of the most important things that should be taken care of by all departments because the individual employee spends one 1/3  of his time within that job environment must be characterized by a kind of flexibility and comfort, especially psychological, because it has an impact on the performance of the individual employee, The phenomenon of occupational harassment of modern phenomena within the field of work for many reasons cultural and other economic and suffered by the employee, which may affect the performance of the currency in the correct form required of it, which may adversely affect the performance of the currency and relations with some of his colleagues, which may affect the satisfaction and functional integration in After that, p Therefore, it was necessary to take this phenomenon and determine the dimensions and disadvantages, especially within the university sector, which depends heavily on relations during the work of the university, which may be used by some intentionally or unintentionally a kiss, such as running away from the performance of some of the tasks entrusted by the departments (150) Of some teachers and employees working in the University of Duhok and randomly retrieved (140) form valid for statistical analysis. The results of the study came out as follows: The results of the current study revealed the existence of the phenomenon of harassment within the field of work between the sample of the study. The rate of agreement on these dimensions of occupational harassment was 68.820 within the field of work in the selected faculties of the University of Duhok. The need to sensitize individuals working within the labor sectors, especially those who rely on personal relationships, to be aware of the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Haidar, S. Q. H. (2017). Diagnosis of the reality of the dimensions of the phenomenon of harassment in the University of Duhok / a diagnostic study of the views of a sample of teachers and employees at the University of Dohuk. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(4), 153–165. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v6n4a131


