Daily business or necessary contracts: A comparative analytical study in the light of Legislative Explanation No. (131) of 2016 for the French Civil Code


  • Hoshang Farznda Jangeer College of Law and Politics - University of Dohuk, (Visitor at Nawroz University, Law Department), Kurdistan Region of Iraq




Contract of necessities theory is considered as important theory in Contract Law, because it focuses on a big part of society which is Minors. This theory gives minors capacity to conclude valid contract, if the contract belongs to necessary good or service for a minors. This study shed lights on this theory in English Contract Law and French Civil law as last amended in 2016. Add to that, this research tries to study the position of Iraqi legislator about contract of necessities.


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أولاً: القوانين

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- القانون المدني الفرنسي لسنة 1804المعدل.

- Family Code Reform 1969

-The Sale of goods Act as amended , 1979

- قانون العمل العراقي رقم 37 لسنة 2015.

- قانون العقود الماليزي لسنة 1950 المعدل.

ثانياً: المصادر المكتوبة باللغة العربية

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ثالثاً: المصادر المكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية:

- Richard Austin Baker & Kate Hunter, Infants' Contracts: Law and Policy in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

- Cavendish lawcards series, Contract Law, 4 ed., Cavendish Publishing, London, 2004.

- Mary Charman, Contract Law, 4th edition, Willian Publishing, Devon UK, 2007.

- Paul Matthews, Contract for Necessaries and Mental Incapacity, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, vol 33, no. 2, 1982.

- Walter D. Navin, The Contract of Minors viewed from the perspective of fair exchange, North Carolina Law Review, Volume 50, No. 3, 1972.

- Cherly Preston & Brandon Crowther, Infancy Doctrine Inquiries, Santa Clara Law Review, Vol. 52, 2012.

- Sarah Field, Introduction to the law of contract, book boon press, 1st edition, 2016.

- 2. Jaunda Lowder Daniel, Virtually Mature: Examining the Policy Of Minors' Incapacity to Contract through the cyberscope, Gonzaga Law Review, Vol 43, ed. 2, 2007.

- Scoot J. Burnham, Contract Law for Dummies, Wiley Press, New Jersey, 2012.

- Mindy Wishart, Contract Law, 3rd Edition, oxford university press, England, 2000.

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- Norida Harun & Asiah Bidin & Kamaliha Salih & Noor Hamid, Minor's Capacity to Contract in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges, International Journal of Academic Research, vol. 8 No. 12, 2018



How to Cite

Farznda Jangeer, H. (2022). Daily business or necessary contracts: A comparative analytical study in the light of Legislative Explanation No. (131) of 2016 for the French Civil Code. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(3), 403–409. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v11n3a1434


