Placement and Creation Styles of Terms in ( Phonetics Terms) Dictionary


  • Huda Abdulqader Qasim College of Languages, University of Duhok, Duhok Kurdistan-Iraq
  • Abdulwahab Khalid Musa College of Languages, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The scientific research in any field of science needs to define the related terms of that science. These terms will be the basis for understanding that sciences. Especially with the development of science, We need scientific terminology to be clear and correct because most scientific terms for the first time are in other languages. Converting those terms into the Kurdish language or using them in Kurdish scientific research is a hard work and needs to be re-examined and formulated. This research titled (Placement and Creation Styles of Terms in ( Phonetics Terms) Dictionary) . In general, this research is specifically showing those strategies used in the generation of the scientific term, especially the methods used in the lexicon mentioned above, to analyze the terms in this dictionary by Dr. Taleb Hussein Ali followed the analytical descriptive approach, most of the research on the scientific term dealt with the theoretical side and did not apply the results of theoretical studies to serve the practical side, This research will complement previous research in this field, especially the practical side and show the most used methods in the dictionary we chose for study.


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How to Cite

Abdulqader Qasim, H., & Khalid Musa, A. (2022). Placement and Creation Styles of Terms in ( Phonetics Terms) Dictionary. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(3), 541–559.


