The role of job involvement in reducing emotional exhaustion An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees in administrative units at Nawroz University


  • Hilovan Husni Othman Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



This research aims to clarify the role of the dimensions of job involvement in reducing emotional exhaustion. The research problem was represented by the many challenges and threats faced by employees, including those related to the external environment with the characteristics of the internal environment and the phenomena and work pressures that mature in it and the conflict between work and family requirements that in turn affect the ability of employees to achieve compatibility between the psychological and professional aspect, and the resulting crystallization The emotional depletion among them, which is one of the important topics in the field of organization and organizational behavior. A number of hypotheses were formulated for the research, the most important of which is that there are no significant and inverse correlations with statistical significance at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between the dimensions of job involvement and the causes of emotional exhaustion at the level of the surveyed community. The research relied on the questionnaire as a main tool for collecting field data, and using a number of statistical methods in data analysis. The most important conclusions of the research. The respondents confirmed that by adopting the university leadership with the dimensions of job involvement and its application in its main activities and tasks, it can weaken or reduce the emotional exhaustion of employees, and this is evident through the strength and morale of the correlation and the opposite effect between job involvement and its dimensions and emotional exhaustion. In light of these conclusions, the study described a number of proposals that serve the field in question, perhaps the most important of which embodies the need to seek to develop the capabilities and skills of staffing staff and raise the cultural and knowledge level for them through their participation in development courses and training programs that will add to them positive aspects that affect the increase Their loyalty and commitment to work and reduce their sense of attrition or prevent his motives at the very least.


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How to Cite

Husni Othman, H. (2022). The role of job involvement in reducing emotional exhaustion An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees in administrative units at Nawroz University. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(3), 429–447.


