Economic Evaluation Of Industrial Firms Medium And Large In Dohok Area In 2016


  • Saad A. Shahab College of Economics and Administrative,Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq
  • Amena B. Saed Faculty of Economics and Administrative, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Khalat Sh. Qasim Faculty of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq



Economic valuation, small industries, large industries, performance efficiency, logarithmic formula


We use the date of questioner filled by the Managers of (71) industrial firms medium and large sizes for the values of products and raw materials and wages with other facilities of goods and services and a number of employees.
The analysis of these dates depends on international standard industrial classifications with performance evaluation, taking the index of value-added partial and total productivity, Last use (OLS) method to analyze factors affect the industrial product.
The results show that there is an industrial constriction in Duhok area the central city and Sumail area not balance with what exists in other city and Qaddas and most of the consummation industry are not productive.


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قائمة المصادر
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How to Cite

Shahab, S. A., Saed, A. B., & Qasim, K. S. (2018). Economic Evaluation Of Industrial Firms Medium And Large In Dohok Area In 2016. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 7(1), 1–23.


