Geographical components of establishing electric power plants from solar radiation (Sulaymaniyah Governorate, a case study)


  • Dler Aziz Taha Department of Geography - Faculty of Education, Koya University, Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Ahmad J. Ismail Department of Geography - Faculty of Education, Koya University, Iraqi Kurdistan



The research includes a study of the use of solar radiation energy in the production of electrical energy in the province of Sulaymaniyah and the selection of the best sites for the establishment of solar power plants. Sulaymaniyah Governorate enjoys good natural and human resources that qualify it to be the first governorate of the region in clean alternative energy investments due to the abundance and strength of solar radiation. Therefore, the study area was distinguished by this characteristic as it combined solar radiation throughout the year, as the number of hours of brightness reached more than (3300) hour/year. Here we have tried to derive a mathematical model for estimating the total solar radiation falling on the horizontal surface as a function of each of the relative humidity, average temperature and brightness, and the model has given accuracy in application. Schemas of spatial variation of solar radiation were found during the months and seasons of the year through (10) climatic stations, covering most areas of the governorate, and the monthly rates of solar radiation on the horizontal surface of all stations between (29.3) and (32.7) (MJ/m2 day). To achieve the goals, the study relied on two approaches, namely, the fundamental approach and the objective approach, following several axes, starting with the study and analysis of the amount of solar radiation energy reaching the governorate, and then the extent to which technology is adapted in order to reach how to use the available natural solar energy in a sound and sustainable manner, through Seeking to introduce solar energy technology as one of the energy applications.
By analyzing and studying the spatial relationships between the amount of solar radiation and the amount of solar energy produced from a geographical point of view, and based on defining a set of conditions and criteria required, including the geographical location, determining the time of day, seasons and the degree of transparency of the natural state of the air, we note that the potential of solar energy in the governorate Sulaymaniyah is relatively large, with high rates of solar radiation that can be relied upon as a source of sustainable energy production. And then create a digital geographical database for these requirements in order to obtain a model of spatial appropriateness required to determine the best sites for the construction of solar power stations.
The study concluded that the geographical location in the study area has an effect on the length of the day and the amount of solar radiation, as well as the results indicated that the maximum value of direct solar radiation occurs in the month of June (10.41) and for all stations, and that the Plains region ranked first at the governorate level in terms of hours of brightness Annually, where it was (7.97) hours / day, and the region of simple torsion mountains came in second place, and its amount was (7.53) hours / day, and the least bright regions were the region of complex torsion mountains, which amounted to (7.3) hours / day. The extracted results indicate the existence of areas prepared to be sites for the construction of solar stations, and the region of the plains, which represents the Karmian administration within the optimal region, represents the best evidence for promising sources of exploitation.


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How to Cite

Aziz Taha, D., & J. Ismail, A. (2022). Geographical components of establishing electric power plants from solar radiation (Sulaymaniyah Governorate, a case study). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(4), 215–233.


