The reality of use information and communication technology (ICT) in university education/ Nawroz University as a model


  • Iman M. Hasan College of Economics and Administrative, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq



ICT, university education, IT skills required by teaching, constraints on the use of ICT in university education


The role of information and communication technology (ICT) is increasing in building the present, shaping the future and building an evolving society, Technology has become a fundamental requirement in various areas of life, especially in the field of education, It is noticeable that demand is growing day by day in various parts of the world for the use of modern technologies of information and communication technology in the development of systems and the development of methods of education to provide students with the knowledge and skill they need. Technology has a significant impact on the development of traditional  teaching and teaching methods, The revolution of technology and knowledge requires that educational systems focus on how to learn and think rather than teach the same knowledge, Fitting the student to how to access and handle knowledge is more important than filling the student's mind with this knowledge. In general, the research attempts to answer the following questions:

  • Does the teaching staff of the University of Nawroz have sufficient skills to use ICT in the educational process?
  • Is there an acceptance of the idea of integrating ICT in university education by faculty members?

3-      What are the obstacles that a university professor may face when applying the idea of integrating ICT into university education?Therefore, this research aims to identify the reality of the use of information and communication technology in university education, specifically the University of Nawroz, based on the questionnaire form, The descriptive analytical approach was used to conduct the research. The study concluded with a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the teaching staff agreed on the need to use ICT in university education, and made a number of proposals, including studies to determine the relationship between teaching specialization and the level of their expectation of benefiting from the use of technology in education.


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How to Cite

Hasan, I. M. (2018). The reality of use information and communication technology (ICT) in university education/ Nawroz University as a model. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 7(1), 187–200.


