Determinants Of The Exchange Rate Of The Iraqi Dinar. An Applied Study For The Period 1996 - 2011


  • Mahir J. Yakub Faculty of Economics,Department of Finance and Banking, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq



The Iraqi rate exchange, Rate inflation, Real interest rate, Commercial openness indicator


  This research has attempted to study the determinants of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate from the period (1996 – 2011) . The ( Minitab ) was adopted to obtain some evaluations for the indicators that were used to analyze and evaluate the nature of relationships among the variants of the research and their tendencies and also testing the hypotheses . The research has reached a series of conclusions related to both the theoretical and practical sides of the research , and through which the hypo theses of the research were verified . Some recommendations were reached , the main one was that Iraq must be in aware of the importance of correcting the violation resulted from the Iraqi dinar exchange price versus the American dollar exchange price as the Iraqi dinar being the main goal of the economic policy and the fundamental condition of developing the economic performance and the insurance of the total economic stability , and consequently , the violation of the price exchange rate had received a greater attention in the economic literature and in the establishment of the economic policies and the main reason of any economic instability . Achieving its stability is not an easy task .

Achieving such tasks without knowing the affecting factors , and how to direct them would from a greater challenge .


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How to Cite

Yakub, M. J. (2017). Determinants Of The Exchange Rate Of The Iraqi Dinar. An Applied Study For The Period 1996 - 2011. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(1), 167–182.


