Work Ethics And Their Role In The Administrative Reform / A Survey Of The Opinions Of A Sample Of Managers In Civil Society Organizations In Duhok Governorate


  • Mayasar A. H. Sultan College of Economics and Administrative,Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq
  • Sinan Q. Hussien College of Economics and Administrative,Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq
  • Omar Y. Sleman College of Economics and Administrative,Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq



Administrative reform, work ethics, SPSS, Statistics


The civil society organizations with a clear influence society organizations as the close link between those organizations and the community, hence the current research taking into consideration the role of these organizations in the mechanism of the administrative reform of administrative bodies working, since the study was conducted on represented sample (5) of the relevant civil society  organizations Clearly, the effect close association arose researcher distribute nearly 30 form the administrative staff of those organizations were retrieving 27 a valid analysis, which have been selected randomly within the study population as study used a questionnaire form obstacle to measure variables and the impact of organizations in the administrative reform, data were analyzed based on the program ((  spss)). The study found after analysis operations to a set of conclusions, including:
1 there is a positive significant correlation statistically significant differences between the study variables  at  the macro level and the micro
2. no significant effect statistically significant differences between the study variables at the micro level and the total sample for the study.


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How to Cite

Sultan, M. A. H., Hussien, S. Q., & Sleman, O. Y. (2017). Work Ethics And Their Role In The Administrative Reform / A Survey Of The Opinions Of A Sample Of Managers In Civil Society Organizations In Duhok Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(2), 22–34.


