The Role Of Statistical Information In The Preparation Of Human Development Reports And Planning In The Health Sector Of Duhok Governorate


  • Ahmad S. Ahmad Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Sleman A. Hussien Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Omar Y. Sleman Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq



Statistics, Human Development, Planning, Factor Analysis, linear regression analysis


The health sector requires great care in planning and management of human resources for justice in the provision of health services in various places and sectors , in this study was the use of two types of statistical methods important in dealing with multiple data variables are the factor analysis and linear regression analysis multi in the preparation of development reports human and planning to analyze the relationship between (the number of doctors, pharmacists and medical staff assistance and technical personnel , service and nursing ) and their impact on the number of patients admitted to a number of government hospitals in order to promote the level of the health situation in the city of Dohuk , districts and areas affiliate, has taken a sample of the data recorded in the circuit public health Dohuk for the period from 1/1/2006 until 31/12/2012 for a number of hospitals and health care centers, primary and the number of health staff and auditors on a daily basis to see the causal relationship between the level of the health situation and the number of medical staff and nursing staff , service and technical , and through the use of statistical software (Minitab) to explain the relationship between the influential variable and affected . The results of the factor analysis and regression analysis that there is a severe shortage of human resources medical and health facilities suffer from a lack of equipment and qualified personnel, and therefore the search is over to provide a set of recommendations by finding some solutions and alternatives to transform the reality of the health sector in the region to better if fits with the rapid development of medical technology and the high rate of population growth.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, A. S., Hussien, S. A., & Sleman, O. Y. (2017). The Role Of Statistical Information In The Preparation Of Human Development Reports And Planning In The Health Sector Of Duhok Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(2), 174–182.


