Measurement and analysis of the impact of some economic variables on the DFI for the period (2004-2018) and forecasting of study variables up to 2025 using ARIMA models)


  • Samir F. Nemaa Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan region of Iraq
  • Reber Fatah Department of Economics, Duhok University, Kurdistan region of Iraq
  • Hozan N. Abdulqadir Department of Economics, Duhok University, Kurdistan region of Iraq



As a result of the development of economic institutions, interest has emerged in the subject of forecasting, as it has become a more effective and accurate tool in predicting future events, knowing the prediction of the future of sovereign funds (the Iraq Development Fund) is characterized by uncertainty of the difficulty of measurement due to fluctuations in oil prices globally, the aim of the prediction is to use information Current in order to invest in the future to achieve the special goals of economic policies. Therefore, standard methods used in the analysis of time series were used to predict the phenomenon to be studied, relying on historical information, as this study aims to predict the variables affecting the Development Fund for Iraq and then predict the phenomenon, and to arrive at identifying specific variables and building a standard model for the Fund for Iraq Development ARIMA template was used until 2025.


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How to Cite

Nemaa, S. F., Fatah, R., & Abdulqadir, H. N. (2020). Measurement and analysis of the impact of some economic variables on the DFI for the period (2004-2018) and forecasting of study variables up to 2025 using ARIMA models). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(2), 54–65.


