The geopolitics of the mountain heights in Dohuk Governorate and its impact on the Peshmerga victories The September Revolution (1961-1975) as a model


  • Suad A. Mohammed College of Human Sciences, University of Dohuk, Iraqi Kurdistan



The mountains formed a large part of Dohuk Governorate as a result of the geological factors that occurred in successive eras, which led to a variation in the region's topography from simple slopes to steep peaks to steep peaks, which are newly formed torsional mountains whose direction is from the east in the form of chains connected in the direction of In the west, it is interspersed with strategic straits and gorges difficult paths, and the mountains of the governorate are a natural extension of the Zagros mountain range that emerges from inside Iranian lands and the Taurus Mountains, which are located within Turkish territory, and the mountains of Dohuk Governorate can be divided according to height into two types: complex torsional mountains with an average height ranging between 1700-2000 m Above sea level and simple twisting mountains, their average height ranges between 1000-2000 m. The geopolitical importance of the mountainous region lies in the effect of the mountains on the distribution of the population and in the internal political harmony of the state, and because of its immunity, the protection of the state constitutes the protection of the state and gives it military strong positions through which the fighters can defend. The dialectical relationship between the Kurds and the mountains is evident in their taking on areas to shelter in and preparing for the start of the revolution and the armed struggle again, as well as forming areas for protection from missile strikes and the use of internationally prohibited weapons, and this study showed the importance of mountain areas through the victories achieved by the Peshmerga forces * It took place in the mountains of Dohuk governorate in the September Revolution of 1961-1975, because it formed defensive positions through which it facilitated control and monitoring of the paths and concealment and dispersal of the forces, which gives a strategic force that is suitable for defense and impedes the course of the attack, and the most important conclusions reached by the research are that the complex mountainous nature made The region is a fortress that is difficult to storm and requires, and this fact has been proven correct during the military campaigns directed by the successive Iraqi governments against the Peshmerga forces who have taken from the mountainous region as their base for their movement, and the high ability of the Peshmerga to move in these mountainous areas helped a lot in its superiority in these battles because This is his environment in which he grew up, and it is easy for him to move and move from one place to another.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, S. A. (2020). The geopolitics of the mountain heights in Dohuk Governorate and its impact on the Peshmerga victories The September Revolution (1961-1975) as a model. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(4), 150–157.


