Economic and financial impacts of self-government on the export and production of oil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Hashim M. S. Rashid Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan region of Iraq



  This study discusses the details of oil in the Kurdistan Region and the obstacles that can face 

this policy with the central government about the form and quality of oil contracts signed with foreign oil companies and the way of selling and exporting oil of the Kurdistan Region. Constitutional disputes and the problems faced by the region regarding economic independence and the issuance of laws on oil and natural gas and the law of oil revenues and the application of the principles of transparency in the extractive industries through the system of contracts and the conclusion of the contract with Deloitte to audit the oil revenues of the Kurdistan Region. But because of excessive use of constitutional rights by the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government emerged legal problems in the field of oil contracts and the share of the Kurdistan Region of the public budget in Iraq and non-delivery of oil prescribed by the government of the Territory and the direction of the decision of oil independence and other problems, Cut the relations between the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government for the period (2014 -2018) in addition to the effects of the war against terrorism and low oil prices in the world markets, legal obstacles to the sale and export of oil to the region and complaints by the central government and The sound and transparent administration of the oil file and the secretions of holding the referendum on the independence of the Kurdistan Region and regional conspiracies, all this led to the failure of the project of economic independence in the Kurdistan Region.


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How to Cite

Rashid, H. M. S. (2020). Economic and financial impacts of self-government on the export and production of oil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(3), 35–53.


