The role of strategic planning in environmental sustainability strategies An exploratory study of the opinions of administrative leaders in a sample of mineral water companies in Dohuk Governorate


  • Hikmat R. Sultan College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Iraqi Kurdistan



The study aims to identify the role of strategic planning through its indicators represented in (vision, mission, strategic objectives, environmental analysis, strategic formulation and evaluation) in the environmental sustainability strategies represented in the strategy (pollution prevention, product control and clean technology and sustainability vision), and in light of the goal the problem is summarized by a group Among the questions, namely: Is there a clear vision of strategic planning and environmental sustainability in the companies under study? Is there a link and a significant impact between strategic planning and environmental sustainability strategies in the companies under study? The importance of the research lies in diagnosing the levels of adoption of environmental sustainability strategies in mineral water companies in Dohuk governorate and showing the role of strategic planning indicators in them, and as a mechanism for this study in achieving its objectives. Two main hypotheses were developed for this.
The study adopted the inductive approach (descriptive and analytical), as its data were collected by means of the questionnaire and distributed to a random sample of (45) persons representing the administrative leaderships of the researched companies, and (31) questionnaires were retrieved from them, with a response rate of (68.8%). The data were treated statistically by means of the statistical package (SPSS: V. 12). The results of the research showed that there is a significant correlation between strategic planning and environmental sustainability strategies at the overall level of the respondent sample. And the presence of significant influence relationships for strategic planning in environmental sustainability strategies at the total level of the respondent sample. The study presented a number of proposals, the most important of which are: The study recommends that the researched companies formulate strategies that achieve alignment between their internal resources and capabilities on the one hand and the requirements of their external environment on the other hand, in order to enhance the achievement of their strategic objectives. Distributing its resources and enhancing its strengths with consideration. The companies surveyed must have a clear vision of the direction towards environmental sustainability in the future, and this aspect can be taken advantage of by environmental protection organizations because of its impact on the environmental reputation of the company.


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How to Cite

Sultan, H. R. (2020). The role of strategic planning in environmental sustainability strategies An exploratory study of the opinions of administrative leaders in a sample of mineral water companies in Dohuk Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(4), 169–188.


