Measuring and analyzing the determinants of Iraqi foreign trade for the period (2004-2019) using the gravity model


  • Zainab Mustafa Abd Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Abdulhameed Sleman Dhaher Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



This study attempted to apply the gravity model to Iraqi foreign trade, due to the importance of this model as it occupies great importance in explaining the determinants of foreign trade. The study aimed to determine the determinants of the attractiveness of Iraqi foreign trade (exports and imports) towards groups of countries represented in (the European Union group, the countries of the Americas, the Asian countries, the Arab countries). The study used a quantitative analysis method using panel data. The gravity equation was used to estimate the parameters of the proposed model for the study to determine the impact of the independent variables (Iraq’s GDP, international groups’ GDP, distance, population of Iraq and international groups, language, geographical borders) on the dependent variable (the ratio of foreign trade to GDP) Total). The study found that 0.78 of the changes in the dependent variable are due to the changes in the explanatory variables in terms of the value of the coefficient of determination R2. The results of the estimation confirm the importance of the impact of each of Iraq’s GDP, as well as international groups in increasing the volume of Iraqi foreign trade, and the importance of the language factor, and the size of the population for Iraq, while the population variable for international groups was not statistically significant, and the relationship came with geographical borders Reverse, which is the opposite of what was expected. The study recommends diversifying exports, paying attention to infrastructure and import policy, and developing and regulating the transport sector.


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How to Cite

Mustafa Abd, Z., & Sleman Dhaher, A. (2022). Measuring and analyzing the determinants of Iraqi foreign trade for the period (2004-2019) using the gravity model. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(3), 1–11.


