The impact of evaluating the elements of financial statements in light of the Corona pandemic on decisions to grant bank credit according to (IAS 8) A field study on a group of commercial banks in Erbil Governorate


  • Sardar Fadhel Qasim Accounting Department, Bardarash Technical Institute, Duhok Technical University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hazim Hashim Mohammed Accounting Department, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



      The research focuses on measuring the impact of evaluating the elements of the financial statements and the information contained in those lists considering that they are one of the important tools on which decision-makers to grant bank credit depend, and there is no doubt that measuring the elements of financial statements may be affected by economic conditions and changes in society, such as the conditions of the Corona virus pandemic, which had Effects on most economic fields, and this was represented in the aim of this research to identify the experience of the local commercial banks, the research sample, with regard to the financing of economic units and the mechanism of credit decision-making, as well as identifying the appropriateness of the information contained in the body of the financial statements prepared by it and highlighting the concept of credit and the importance of the decision-making process In light of the Corona Virus pandemic, and in order to test the research hypotheses, a questionnaire was used to obtain and analyze the study data using the statistical program (SPSS), where the questionnaire forms were distributed to the research community, represented by a group of managers and their assistants in a sample of commercial banks in addition to a sample of academics. In the faculties of administration and economics, the method of random sampling has been relied upon Applied in selecting the research, which consists of (56) valid forms for analysis. The research concluded that there is agreement in re-evaluating the elements of the financial statements by the economic units in line with the current conditions and submitting them to the donor to take bank credit decisions by commercial banks. The results of the field study showed that Changes in accounting policies and estimates in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 8 when preparing financial statements in light of this pandemic will give greater importance for the purpose of making a bank credit decision, so the research recommends increasing attention to disclosure, transparency and objectivity requirements in presenting the required information in the event of a request to grant bank credit


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How to Cite

Fadhel Qasim, S., & Hashim Mohammed, H. (2022). The impact of evaluating the elements of financial statements in light of the Corona pandemic on decisions to grant bank credit according to (IAS 8) A field study on a group of commercial banks in Erbil Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(4), 113–128.


