Analysis of the reality of tourism investment and its obstacles in the Kurdistan Region, focusing on Dohuk Governorate


  • Hashim Mohammed Saeed Rasheed College of Administration and Economics, University of Zakho, Department of Economic Sciences, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Salah Ramadhan Obaid College of Administration and Economics, University of Zakho, Department of Economic Sciences, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Tourism sector plays an effective and influential role in the process of economic and social development for many countries. This role is reflected through its positive effects in creating investment opportunities, attracting local and foreign capital, creating job opportunities and increasing public revenues, in addition to the transfer of new technology, skills and modern management methods into the country, thus raising the rates of economic growth.

The study aims to clarify the importance, characteristics and determinants of tourism investment, and then the constituents and constraints of the tourism investment environment in the Kurdistan Region. As well as analyzing the reality of tourism investment by focusing on Dohuk Governorate during the period (2002-2012), revealing the volume of capital invested in this sector and comparing it with other sectors in terms of ratios and the number of projects implemented. The analysis revealed that despite all the conditions and requirements for achieving economic and social development to raise the contribution of the tourism sector to the formation of the gross domestic product, however, investment in this sector was not at the required level, due to the lack of vision and plans necessary to develop tourism and make it a major resource for the Kurdistan Region, marginalization and failure to exploit the available material and human resources due to political instability and the emergence of differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government and the exacerbation of the financial crisis, corruption and bureaucracy in performance Government. As the results of the analysis of this study showed that the contribution of foreign investment in the Kurdistan Region, especially in the Dohuk Governorate during the study period, was modest, especially after the year 2012, as the bulk of the investments in this vital sector were protected, at a time when this sector needs to be encouraged. Internal and external investment together with the aim of developing and qualifying them to the required level.


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اولا: المصادر العربية

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How to Cite

Mohammed Saeed Rasheed, H., & Ramadhan Obaid, S. (2023). Analysis of the reality of tourism investment and its obstacles in the Kurdistan Region, focusing on Dohuk Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(2), 245–257.


