Legal regulation of safe areas in customary international law


  • Maher F. Maher Faculties of Law, Political Science and Administration - Soran University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Najdat Sabri Akrey Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



International conflicts or those with internal characteristics will lead to the emergence of new terms, particularly when they prolong and matters will be complicated. And their prolongation or continuance will not put an end to them. Therefore, we began to hear new terms, which we have not heard yet.

One of these terms is the “Safe or “Secured Zone” which imposes its significance to solve many chronic and untreatable problems. Their presence may treat or solve some aspects of the problems which make civilians anxious and entails the dissipation of their fears, in spite of the importance of the “safe or secured zone” for civilians, but this nomination was not mentioned in both the “Customary and Conventional International Laws, and the reference has been made to them by such nominations as the “Demilitarized Zones” or the “Protected Zones”, but these “Zones” are characterized by some features distinguishing them from others including the selection of the zone in accordance with the circumstances of the conflicts, as well as differing in their size and location from a conflict to another. Furthermore, both the protection and services provided differ according to the zone.

The “Safe or “Secured Zone” is established as “International Customs” before being “Accredited International Conventions or Treaties” as well as the “Internal Armed Conflicts” such as “Civilian Spanish War. It is worth-bearing in mind that the “Safe or Secured Zones” institutionalized  by customary rules play an important role in concluding international conventions specialized in regulating or organizing the “Safe or Secured Zones”.

What is important or matters us in this research is the explanation or elucidation of the concept of the “Safe or Secured Zones” and their characteristics, and the presupposition for which they are established or institutionalized, In addition to find an evaluation for  “Safe or Secured Zones” institutionalized  or established by “Customary Rules”.   


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How to Cite

F. Maher, M., & Sabri Akrey, N. (2022). Legal regulation of safe areas in customary international law. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(2), 1–9.


