Literary Criticism of the Environment between Theory and Practice: the Novel Atra by the Novelist Diyar Ardni as an Example


  • Shang Sami Shah Karam Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region_Iraq
  • Ni'matullah Hamid Hamid Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



         This research, under the title of (Literary Environmental Criticism between theory and practice: The novel (Atra) by the novelist (Diyar Aradini) as a model). Eco-criticism, as a school of literary criticism, attempts to explore different natural issues through literary texts and to suggest various resolving propositions that are being covered within the ongoing textual discourse and the aesthetic traits of the novel in regard to the problems that our surrounding physical nature is challenging against. The current study is being carried out descriptive-analytically. Eco-criticism endeavors to magnify the human-nature relationship within literary works and to illustrate the human's bound and its quality with his surrounding physical nature as depicted in world literature. Eco-critical accounts are nature-centered comparing to other literary schools that place human-being to their center of attention. This school of criticism tries to elevate general social understanding and awareness toward the significance of the physical nature and its protection. This research, excluding the introduction and results, consists of two major parts. First chapter is allocated to the theoretical part of the research in regard to eco-criticism. The second chapter practices the theoretical eco-critical notions and concepts on Diyar Aradini's Atra.  The research reached an important conclusion, that this novel is classified within the literature that is most concerned with problems related to the environment.


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How to Cite

Sami Shah Karam, S. ., & Hamid Hamid, N. . (2023). Literary Criticism of the Environment between Theory and Practice: the Novel Atra by the Novelist Diyar Ardni as an Example. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(4), 985–1003.


