Arbitration as an alternative mechanism in resolving commercial and investment disputes in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (comparative research)


  • Luqman Hasan Rasol Department of Law, Faculty of Law and International Relations, Lebanese French University, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Mukhlis Salim Murad General Manager of the Kurdistan Region Investment Commission



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There are various ways that the parties to investment contracts can resort to settling the disputes arising from them. Still, arbitration is an acceptable method for determining these disputes nowadays, as it is an effective way to resolve disputes between investors. On the other hand, the courts have the original specialty  to settle disputes, do not provide a sufficient guarantee for the equitable settlement of disputes towards the host country's government for investors, especially foreigners. Additionally, it does not handle the conflicts in a speedy resolution. The confidentiality required by the conflicting parties is characterized by arbitration and commensurate with the nature of investment and trade compared to the natural judiciary.

Despite the importance of the issue of arbitration in investment contracts and the increasing use of it as a system for settling investment disputes, and despite the interest of the legislature in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, however, this attention is not enough compared to the importance of arbitration in investment contracts, and there is no legislation yet for arbitration in the legal system Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

By studying the Iraqi legislation, it becomes clear that the Iraqi Civil Procedure Code has organized the subject of national arbitration without reference to international arbitration. But the Iraqi investment law allows the parties to the contract to choose international commercial arbitration to resolve disputes that arise between them.

The Kurdistan Region Investment Law has also regulated the subject of international arbitration in another way, and it has authorized the arbitration whose provisions are set out by the provisions of dispute settlement contained in international or bilateral agreements; and in the Oil and Gas Law No. (22) of 2007, the Kurdistan legislature turned to arbitration with the agreement of the two parties on settling disputes between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the investing party regarding the interpretation or application of the terms of the license, if did not resolve the dispute through negotiations.

By studying the legislature's position, whether in Iraq or the Kurdistan Region, we find that the legislature has taken the legal system of investment arbitration from the public legal rules to the private   legal regulations for the investment law and the oil and gas law. Thus the legislature refers the issue of settling disputes between investors to commercial arbitration along with the judiciary. However, we did not find any legislation related to arbitration, whether internal or international, in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.


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How to Cite

Hasan Rasol, L., & Salim Murad, M. (2023). Arbitration as an alternative mechanism in resolving commercial and investment disputes in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (comparative research). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(1), 183–194.


