Language deviation from prison tribes in Bahdinan region


  • Khalida Sadiq Ahmed Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Nawzat Ahmad Osman Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



ئاوایه‌كێ جیاواز لسه‌ر ئاستێن په‌یڤ و ره‌سته‌یان


Language as the main tool of poetry is one of the most important components and genres in the construction of poetry One of the most obvious characteristics of the language of poetry is that through these deviations, the abilities and innovations of poets have been expressed by the leader with the language of the phenomenon.

Here, deviation will be a major and important point for communicating the language of poetry, because the use of language in an artistic and different way gives a kind of beauty and a special style to the language of poetry.

Deviation in Prison Poetry This research attempts to determine the use of deviation at the level of words, sounds and sentences by poets, and the extent to which the power and influence of deviation has dominated their poems and has become an important factor In the building of poetry, again useful for creating semantic deviations It has been taken from extensions, abbreviations, paradoxes and struggles, that is, prison poets have used them for various purposes (language renewal, the need for poetry, innovation, aesthetics, beauty, etc.) in different ways at the level of words and sentences .


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How to Cite

Sadiq Ahmed, K., & Ahmad Osman, N. . (2024). Language deviation from prison tribes in Bahdinan region. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 222–233.


