Trends in heat flows and their spatial and temporal variations in the Wardas region, Iraq, for the period (1991-2020)


  • Rami Rasho Krtan Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Faten Khaled Abdel-Baqi Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



The distribution of waves varies spatially and temporally in any region due to a group of factors, whether natural or human. We find that the study area is exposed to heat waves almost annually, as (391) heat waves were recorded, distributed differently spatially and temporally in the region. It was found that the southern and southern regions The West is more exposed to heat waves, while the frequency of these waves decreases as we head towards the north and northeast. It is clear that the general trend in the frequency of heat waves was towards an increase in the region, especially in the period (2011-2020).


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How to Cite

Rasho Krtan, R., & Khaled Abdel-Baqi, F. . (2023). Trends in heat flows and their spatial and temporal variations in the Wardas region, Iraq, for the period (1991-2020). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(4), 564–573.


