Civil liability of companies producing the vaccine


  • Fawaz Saeed Faizi Department of Law, College of Law and Political Science, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



الشركات ، اللقاح ، المسؤولية المدنية


The basis of civil liability for vaccine producing companies is a thorny issue from two aspects, as it must begin by defining the concept of the vaccine and distinguishing it from the medicine, and then clarifying the legal nature of this vaccine on the one hand. On the other hand, the producer (the company) does not sell the product (the vaccine) to the recipients of the vaccine. Directly, the contractual responsibility between the producer and the recipient of the vaccine ceases due to the entry of a third party, because, as is known, the government, represented by the Ministry of Health in Iraq, is the one that distributes vaccines to citizens without charge. We see here that the vaccine has gone through several stages, so saying that the responsibility resulting from the vaccine producer for the damage to the final consumer is a contractual responsibility may exempt the producer from that responsibility, since another party has entered between them, namely members of the medical staff, whose contractual civil liability vis-à-vis the recipients of the vaccine cannot be imagined. Also, the vaccine recipient cannot have recourse against the vaccine distributor (i.e. members of the medical staff) on the basis of contractual liability because there is no contract between them. We believe that the most correct side is the jurisprudential side, which holds that the basis of this responsibility is tort liability. However, civil liability for these companies can be established on the basis of contractual liability, based on an analysis of the relationship between the producing company and the state, as we find that the obligations are based on the contract concluded between the state and the producing company.

In order to cover the aspects of this topic, we will discuss it through two sections, where we devote the first section to the nature of the vaccine and its legal nature. As for the second section, we will discuss the legal nature of the responsibility of the companies producing the vaccine. Finally, we concluded the study with a conclusion that includes the most important conclusions and recommendations.


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How to Cite

Saeed Faizi, F. (2023). Civil liability of companies producing the vaccine. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(3), 556–565.


