The impact of cash flows and receivables on earnings management An analytical study of the data of a sample of industrial companies and commercial banks registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period 2011-2020


  • Hussien Ameen Hussien Accounting Department, College of Business and Economics, University of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Izdihar Hadi Abdullah Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Nareen Ibrahim Abozaid Department of Banking and Financial Sciences, College of Administration and Economics, University of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan



The topic of cash flows and receivables is one of the most important points in the field of financial management since it is connected to management profit. One of the fundamental objectives of accounting is to provide financial information to users of financial reports. Accordingly, we sought in this research to combine two topics of importance and influence on the activities of commercial banks and industrial companies, as the research was conducted on data from a sample of commercial banks and industrial companies registered in the Iraq financial papers to identify the impact of cash flows and receivables in managing profits in that sample, the sample consisted of five commercial banks and five approved industrial companies in that market. The research relied on the theoretical side of the descriptive approach, while the field side was based on the analytical approach, in which the financial analysis was conducted, based on the historical data of the sample, and then the statistical analysis was conducted on the data resulting from the standard analysis and the financial analysis by using statistical programs (EViews, SPSS, and Excel) to complete the required financial, standard, and statistical analyses. The most important conclusions showed that the National Bank of Iraq is the only one that practices earnings management and manipulates the receivables item, which resulted in a positive direct correlation between cash flows, receivables, and earnings management, as well as there is a statistically significant effect of a variable between cash flows and receivables in earnings management. In addition, the absence of a difference in the sample surveyed between banks and companies in the use of methods to deal with cash flows and receivables in profit management. The research also presented a set of proposals, the most important of which was the interest of government agencies with the legislative authorities to issue legislation and a law obligating commercial banks and industrial companies to prepare and submit a list of cash flows as they provide financial information free from misleading and the need for commercial banks and industrial companies to adhere to the application of institutional governance and to have financial disclosure compliant (IFRS) with international standards.


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6المصادر العربية

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How to Cite

Ameen Hussien, H., Hadi Abdullah, I., & Ibrahim Abozaid, N. (2023). The impact of cash flows and receivables on earnings management An analytical study of the data of a sample of industrial companies and commercial banks registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period 2011-2020. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(2), 382–395.


