Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative Technology, Dohuk Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq


  • Gulizar Abdulla Mohammed Department of Accounting Techniques, Technical College of Administration, Dohuk Technical University, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



  The aim of the current research is to know the level of awareness of students at the Administrative Technical College - Dohuk about the culture of entrepreneurship and the most prominent obstacles to entrepreneurship from the students’ point of view, and to determine the differences between their responses regarding awareness of the culture of entrepreneurship according to the variables of gender and academic specialization. The descriptive analytical approach was used and the (SPSS) program was adopted to analyze the data collected through an electronic questionnaire consisting of (47) statements distributed to a random sample of students in the third and fourth stages, who numbered (355) students, and the response was provided by (141) students. And a student. The research reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The students of the Administrative Technical College - Dohuk have great awareness regarding the culture of entrepreneurship, with an arithmetic average of (3.757) and a high relative importance of (75.141%). The results also showed that there were no significant differences between the average scores of the college students studied in the extent of their awareness of the culture of entrepreneurship according to the gender variable. While it was found that there were statistically significant differences depending on the academic specialization variable in favor of the business administration techniques specialization with the rest of the specializations. The most important research proposals were the necessity of teaching entrepreneurship courses in all departments, and supporting students’ entrepreneurial projects and initiatives, with the necessity of activating the governmental and parliamentary role in providing a good environment. To revive innovative and pioneering projects.


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How to Cite

Abdulla Mohammed, G. (2024). Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative Technology, Dohuk Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1047–1061.


