An analytical Study of the Impact of Military Spending on the Iraq Economy Growth for the Period (1990-2020)


  • Firsat Muhammad Abdullah Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Saladin University, Erbil
  • Muhammad Salman Muhammad Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Saladin University, Erbil


Key words: military spending, Military forces, gross domestic product, Economic development, national security.


The development and expansion of the size of the various armed forces and military institutions in Iraq due to the successive wars during the past three decades, and to the terrorist risks, especially after the change of the regime in 2003, led to an increase in the size of the military budget, which had negative effects on economic growth in Iraq. This research aims to analyze and measure the impact of military spending on economic growth in Iraq during the study period (1990-2020). Among the most important conclusions of the research: There is an inverse relationship between military expenditures and GDP during the study period, and the increase in wars, terrorism, and political and economic instability leave negative effects on the growth of the Iraqi economy. While the most important recommendations refer to: encouraging the peace process in Iraq because of its positive impact in reducing military spending to finance the war effort, and this is reflected in other areas, as the comprehensive peace process liberates most of the resources used for military purposes for more productive sectors and helps to accelerate the economic cycle and achieve rates better growth.

Key words: military spending, Military forces, gross domestic product, Economic development, national security.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Abdullah, F. ., & Salman Muhammad, M. (2024). An analytical Study of the Impact of Military Spending on the Iraq Economy Growth for the Period (1990-2020). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1418–1434. Retrieved from


