Analyzing and measuring the impact of financial depth on the performance of the Iraqi money market for the period from (2004-2021)*


  • Nazlin Saleh Muhammad College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Samir Fakhri Nehme Faculty of Administration and Economics, Zakho University, Kurdistan, Iraq



This research deals with the most important indicators used to measure financial depth through the use of ratios of structural measures of the availability of financial instruments in order to show the results realistically and accurately, and not to be satisfied with the traditional indicators called quantitative indicators, which have been shown to be insufficient to accurately show the facts and that they produce results that are commensurate with reality, and after using... And the analysis of the data collected about Iraq, which was chosen, for the purpose of giving results for a diverse analytical study to explain the prevailing reality for the period (2004-2021). Alternative indicators were presented, which are structured much better than the traditional indicators due to their ability to measure financial depth reliably. This research aims to explain the nature of analysis. And measuring the impact of financial depth on the performance of the Iraqi money market by tracking oil prices and the impact that financial depth has on public spending because the characteristics of the Iraqi economy depend on oil revenues, so the impact of financial depth on all economic sectors is restricted by that semantic relationship, and the research problem consists of From the failure to mobilize savings well and efficiently in the money market despite the presence of a large number of financial instruments, and this was demonstrated by the lack of confidence in the financial system, in addition to the weakness of banking awareness of the Iraqi economy, and a hypothetical chart was developed to show that relationship between financial depth and the money market and based on The hypotheses of the study, based on economic and financial theory, were relied upon (EViews10 program) to demonstrate the direct impact between the research variables. Statistical and measurement methods were used in accordance with the operative part of economic theory. The researchers reached the following conclusion, despite the private sector being given a greater role in the sector. Financial through increasing the number of private banks and increasing their capital, but the volume of credits and what is directed to the private sector remains low in the Iraqi economy, and the reason for the lack of development of the Iraqi economy is the lack of trust between individuals and the banking sector to deposit their money for fear of not investing it properly. Their inability to obtain their money when needed due to the instability of the economic and political conditions in the country.


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How to Cite

Saleh Muhammad, N. ., & Fakhri Nehme, S. . (2024). Analyzing and measuring the impact of financial depth on the performance of the Iraqi money market for the period from (2004-2021)*. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1343–1359.


