Oil Resources between Blessing and Curse, an Analytical Study of some Oil Countries (2004-2021)


  • Rejwan Jaafar Abdul Rahman Al-Doski Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Some oil-producing countries have confirmed that the abundance of oil resources in them is a curse on their economy, especially after the widespread spread of the concept of the resource curse. Hence the importance of the study to find out the reasons behind this concept in such countries. To reach the goal of the study, the concept of the resource curse was presented through the use of some evidence. Experimenting with countries with an abundance of natural resources and how it was a blessing for them, in addition to explaining the positions of weakness in other countries as a curse to their economy, by using the descriptive method to analyze some important indicators that explain why a blessing turns into a curse, such as corruption and the index of dependency on oil resources and rents. Oil, through its analysis of the situation of some oil countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, and Iraq, with the aim of comparing them and trying to benefit from their successful experiences. The study concluded that Iraq suffers from high levels of corruption, according to the Corruption Perceptions Index issued by Transparency International, where its institutions suffer. From the “curse of corruption” to the exploitation of power for personal purposes and the existence of sectarianism, as well as its reliance on personal relationships and favoritism in employment and neglect of competencies, the study suggested that the state must have the desire and willpower to advance its economy and benefit from its resources and exploit them in productive projects.


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How to Cite

Jaafar Abdul Rahman Al-Doski, R. (2024). Oil Resources between Blessing and Curse, an Analytical Study of some Oil Countries (2004-2021). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 595–607. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v13n1a1867


