The impact of constitutional globalization on the process of building constitutions during periods of democratic transition

The Tunisian experience is an example


  • Mahmood Abusway College of Law, Birzeit University



The phenomenon of "globalization of constitutional power" has spread, and the accompanying emergence of another phenomenon resulted from the gradual "codification" of international law, which can be called the process of "constitutionalization of international law". From this standpoint, many countries are now witnessing the wide participation of international organizations or even the participation of some countries. The greatness alone in the process of making constitutions for newly created countries or those that are going through the stages of democratic transition. The Republic of Tunisia was among the countries that experienced the globalization of constituent power during the democratic transition period, during the process of building the new Tunisian constitution.
This study examines the extent of efficacy of activating the phenomenon of globalization of constituent power in the light of international experiences, and works on evaluating these experiences, in particular the Tunisian experience that went through the experience of globalizing constituent power during the process of building the new Tunisian constitution. In addition to researching how the Tunisian constitutional legislator deals with the external challenges imposed by the external parties represented by the Venice Commission, during their participation in the process of building the new constitution, and the extent of the constitutional legislator’s keenness to harmonize the contradictions of national needs and the challenges of external requirements.


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How to Cite

Abusway, M. (2023). The impact of constitutional globalization on the process of building constitutions during periods of democratic transition: The Tunisian experience is an example. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 1(1).