Fusion International Organizations "Between the facts of the consolidation of power over the state and the requirements of strengthening international jurisdiction"


  • Wisam Nihmat Ibrahim Alsahdi College of Law - University of Mosul




Fusion international organizations represent a real manifestation of the development of the contemporary international organization. These organizations are a realistic picture of the development in the functions that international organizations perform. Among the cases of development in the concepts of national sovereignty and the emergence of the values of the rule of international law in the face of national jurisdictions, and thus these organizations provide a model of exceptional powers enjoyed by the international organization in order to enable it to achieve the goals entrusted to it.


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How to Cite

السعدي و. . (2023). Fusion International Organizations "Between the facts of the consolidation of power over the state and the requirements of strengthening international jurisdiction". Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v1n1a1956