The Role of the Secondary School Curricula in Promoting Social Peace in Mosul: “The Arabic Language and Islamic Education as a Model”


  • Adnan Majeed Mohammed Shwan Ph.D. Student in the Department of International Relations at Soran University, Erbil Kurdistan Region – Iraq KRG – Iraq
  • Sherzad Ahmed Ameen Al-Najjar Ph.D. of Philosophy in Political Science, Professor of political science at the College of Law and Politics, Salahaddin University – Erbil, KRG – Iraq



The different ethnic groups, religions and sects live in Mosul. After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the conflict intensified in Nineveh governorate in general and central Mosul in particular. These conflicts and instability reached a peak in 2014 when the terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) took control of all these areas, which led to the largest humanitarian disaster in the city. Most of the people have been displaced, and many social and psychological problems have arisen in these areas. Therefore, after expelling ISIS and re-liberating the city, it is important to know the role of education in transforming conflict and promoting social peace. What is the extent of interest in concepts and values that serve coexistence and social peace in curricula, especially the Arabic language and Islamic education curricula? This study took the Arabic language and Islamic education as examples because they are two very important subjects that are given importance in all stages of education, and often a same teacher teaches both subjects.  Due to conducting surveys with secondary school teachers as well as analyses and evaluations of the Arabic Language and Islamic Education curriculum content, the methodology of this research is a mixed method which is qualitative and quantitative approach. Through an analysis of the content of curricula in secondary schools and teachers surveys in the center of Mosul, this study will be an important field study to assess and analyze the educational situation in Mosul and its relationship to a peaceful resolution of conflicts. More significantly, this study focuses on building active citizenship in educational institutions and posits the question of whether education has played this role in Mosul, or not? The main objective of this study is to evaluate education policy and its role in promoting social peace and cohesion. Another objective is to reveal how curriculum affects social peace and coexistence.


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How to Cite

Majeed Mohammed Shwan, A., & Ahmed Ameen Al-Najjar, S. (2024). The Role of the Secondary School Curricula in Promoting Social Peace in Mosul: “The Arabic Language and Islamic Education as a Model”. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 30–61.


