The Role of the Leading Approach in Achieving Value Innovation in the Production Factories A survey study of the views of a sample of managers in a number of productive factories in the governorate


  • Saad F. Abas Faculty of Management and Economics, Dohuk University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Rangeen M. M. Ibrahim Faculty of Management and Economics, Dohuk University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Zirak Y. Hassan Faculty of Management and Economics, Dohuk University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The current research sought to determine the role of the leading trend in achieving value innovation in the business organizations. To achieve this goal, a number of production factories were selected in Dohuk governorate to test the hypothesis of research. As for the nature of data collection method, To collect the data through the distribution of the forms on a sample of managers, and heads of departments working in the production plants in question, was distributed (35) form, and (31) of them valid for analysis, which was using the program (SPSS). The research produced a number of conclusions, the most important of which were: the existence of a significant correlation between the leading approach and value creation, and the significant influence of the leading trend in value creation in the investigated organizations. The research presented a number of proposals, the most important of which is the promotion of awareness within the inspected factories and at all levels of the importance of the pioneering approach through the establishment of workshops and training courses, because it is necessary and important to make changes in the work of these factories in order to achieve value innovation.


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1.6 المصادر العربية
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How to Cite

Abas, S. F., Ibrahim, R. M. M., & Hassan, Z. Y. (2019). The Role of the Leading Approach in Achieving Value Innovation in the Production Factories A survey study of the views of a sample of managers in a number of productive factories in the governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 8(1), 156–176.


