The Character in the Stories of (Anwar Muhammad Taher)


  • Nergiz Mohammed GHaffar Department of Kurdish Language, College of Basic Education – University of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan Region
  • Nawzad Abdullah Haji Advister to the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government



Personality, Stories, Anwar Muhammad Taher


This research is under the title of the character in the stories of (Anwar Muhammad Taher), which is an attempt to explain the personality in the aforementioned stories and discuss the types of personalities he has, whether these characters are major or minor. It also aims at explaining the ways of presenting the personality with its direct and indirect types and search for the theme and personality of the character. At the end of this research, we reached some results. The most important of these results is the strong relationship of the personality in other types of the story, the writer's intelligence in choosing characters, whether they are major or minor characters, directly or indirectly, and to what extent the writer was successful and smart in these stories and linked them to problems of Kurdish society, whether this relationship is linked to events or linked to time.


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How to Cite

GHaffar, N. M., & Haji, N. A. (2023). The Character in the Stories of (Anwar Muhammad Taher). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(3), 97–110.


