Fiscal policy and its role in addressing the financial and economic crisis in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Muhsin Hasan Mohammed Department of Accounting, Technical Institute of Administration, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq
  • Ahmed Sulaiman Al-saffar Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Duhok University, Duhok, Iraq
  • Merkhas Aref Taher Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Duhok University, Duhok, Iraq



      The research deals with the role of fiscal policy in addressing economic and financial crises through its tools represented in public expenditures, public revenues and the public budget, taken from the economic crisis in the Kurdistan Region extending from 2014 until now (especially after the Corona pandemic crisis and what followed it in terms of social divergence and partial and total closures for many From the economic sectors and establishments in various countries of the world and the massive decline in oil prices, and thus further deepening of this crisis in the region) as a case study with the aim of reaching a proposal on reformulating the financial policy of the KRG towards addressing the economic crisis. The research concluded that there is a wide scope for the Kurdistan Regional Government to conduct financial reforms related with rationalizing government spending and directing it more towards the investment aspects that support the overall economy first, and diversifying government revenue sources as well, to contribute immediately to alleviating the severity of the crisis Financial and also to make government finances less vulnerable to oil price fluctuations and other economic problems.


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How to Cite

Hasan Mohammed, M. ., Sulaiman Al-saffar, A. ., & Aref Taher, M. . (2024). Fiscal policy and its role in addressing the financial and economic crisis in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 1131–1144.


