The Level of Wisdom and its Relationship to the Vitality of Conscience among the Students of the University of Zakho


  • Kuloud Bashir Abdel Ahad University of Zakho, Faculty of Education, Department of General Psychology



Research goal to measure:

  1. The level of wisdom of university students.
  2. The level of vitality of conscience among university students.
  3. The relationship between the level of wisdom and the level of vitality of conscience among the research sample
  4. Identify the differences in the relationship according to the following variables

Gender (males - females), specialization(scientific - humanitarian), stage(first - third), location of residence(countryside - city)

The research sample consisted of(160) male and female students from the College of Education and the Faculties of Education, and the researcher used the(Zayed, 2014) scale which consists of 33 items and six alternatives to measure the level of wisdom and a scale(Costa and Mccrea in 1999, and the rate by Al-Sultani 2005, which consists of From 40 article) to measure the vitality of the conscience, and one of the most important statistical methods is the correlation coefficient, the T-test and the z-test. The research concluded that university students have a good level in both wisdom and the vitality of conscience and there is a direct relationship between the level of wisdom and the level of vitality of conscience, and the results showed statistically significant differences in The gender variable and the stage variable in the relationship between the level of wisdom and the vitality of the conscience, while no differences appeared in both the variables of specialization and location of residence, and in light of the results, the researcher recommended a set of recommendations and suggestions.


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How to Cite

Bashir Abdel Ahad, K. (2024). The Level of Wisdom and its Relationship to the Vitality of Conscience among the Students of the University of Zakho. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 36–53.


