India during the reign of Emperor Aurink Zeb (1659--1707)


  • Ali Salih Hamdan Hamed Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



(المغول، الهند، اورنك زيب، الصراع، الامبراطور)


The research aims to monitor the biography and works of Emperor Aurangzeb, who came to the throne in 1658, and became the sixth Mughal emperor in India, after a sharp conflict broke out between the sons of Emperor Shah Jahan, where Aurang Zeb proved that he was the most capable of taking over the affairs of his brothers, as His reign was marked by sending one military campaign after another to discipline his local opponents, and with his military prowess he expanded the boundaries of his empire more than ever before.

The research attempts to solve the problematic related to the charges brought against Emperor Aurangzeb, especially since the long years of his reign witnessed a constant conflict with competitors, where opinions differed about his personality. Stability and development, while opponents see it as a bloody ruler who dedicated his rule to brutalizing his opponents, which led to the disintegration of the bonds of the Mughal Empire, and its collapse at the hands of the British.

The research adhered to the descriptive and analytical approaches, as the descriptive approach provided a solid basis for understanding what happened in India in that important era of its modern history, and the analytical method is not only knowing the details of the course of events, but rather works to disassemble and assemble historical information, to reach the right results.


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الرسائل الجامعية:

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الموسوعات باللغة العربية:

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الموسوعات باللغة الانكليزية


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الكتب باللغة الانكليزية:

- Abraham Eraly‏, Emperors of the Peacock Throne: The Saga of the Great Mughals,(New Delhi, 2000).

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الكتب باللغة الفارسية:

- محمد كاظم محمد امين، عالمكيرنامه، (كلكتا، 1868.(

البحوث باللغة العربية:

- زينب حاتم رزوقي الخزرجي، ظهير الدين بابر وأثره في الهند حتى عام 937 هـ، 1530 م، مجلة كلية التربية، العدد (1)، المجلد الاول، جامعة المستنصرية، (بغداد، 2017).

البحوث باللغة الانكليزية:

- Aniket Tathagata Chettry ,Unravelling the Myth: Exploring State and Religion under Aurangzeb.

- Basharat Hassan, Aurangzeb From Maligned to Benign A Review; Aurangzeb The Man and The Myth.

- Dr. Muhammad Khalid Masud, Religion and State in Late Mughal India: The Official Status of the Fatawa Alamgiri.



How to Cite

Hamdan Hamed, A. S. (2023). India during the reign of Emperor Aurink Zeb (1659--1707). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(4), 370–385.


