The divine blessings appearing in Surah An-Nahl - an analytical rhetorical study. The blessing of creation and existence is an example


  • Nazar khorshid Mama College of Basic Education - University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Ramzi Qusay Ahmed College of Education, Aqra - University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



This research deals with the divine blessings appearing in Surah An-Nahl, an analytical and rhetorical study. This blessed Surah is considered one of the most Qur’anic surahs in which divine blessings are mentioned, so it was called: (Surat An-Nahl). Hence, the choice of this blessed Surah was to study the blessings bestowed upon the Almighty Creator. worship. From among these blessings in the Surah, we have chosen the blessings of creation as an example, in order to achieve proportionality in the sequence of divine blessings. Because it is one of the first blessings that the Creator bestowed upon all of humanity.
The study of Quranic rhetoric has received great attention from scholars and researchers, because of its clear and significant impact in revealing the subtleties of the rhetorical miracle of the Holy Qur’an, in addition to clarifying the significance of its vocabulary and contexts, the beauty of its words and texts, the marvels of its style of expression, and the sweetness and sweetness of its meanings. Here lies the importance of the research, as it reminds of the blessings bestowed upon His servants by the Great Creator in a beautiful rhetorical manner.
We began the study with an introduction in which we discussed the concept of Quranic eloquence through divine blessings in Surah An-Nahl, especially since this Surah included many forms of divine blessings, and we chose the blessing of creation and existence as a model among these blessings. By citing selected examples of verses in the surah that deal with the concept and connotations of blessings.
After an extensive reading of the verses of the blessed Surah and identifying the verses that contain the blessing of creation, the research was divided into three sections, which were preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion that included the most important results reached by the research. In the first section, we discussed: (The blessing of creating the heavens, the earth, and the stars), while in the second section we discussed: (The blessing of creating man). As for the third and final section, we discussed: (The blessing of creating livestock), and we concluded each section with a graphic table that explains the rhetorical arts involved. in it. Then we mentioned the most important results that we reached, and finally, after the conclusion and results, we concluded the research with a table of the verses that include the blessing of creation in the Surah as an appendix at the end of the research. This table included all the verses that include the blessing of creation, whether the verses that were analyzed in the research or those that were not I analyzed it, with Explaining the type of blessing. Finally, we concluded the research with the sources we relied on.
As for the research sources, they varied between books of interpretations, rhetoric, grammar, and other language books, the most important of which are: the graphic interpretation of the precise meanings in Surat An-Nahl by Sami Wadih al-Qaddumi, the interpretation of liberation and enlightenment by Ibn Ashour, and other interpretive, rhetorical, and linguistic heritage that had a clear impact on Analysis of Quranic verses.


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* الاكـــتـــفاء: وهــو أن يقـتـضي المـقـامُ ذِكــرُ شـــيــئـيــن بينهما تلازم وارتباط فــيـكـتـفي بأحــدهــمـا عـــن الأخــر لنـكــتـة ويخــتـصُ غــالــبـاً بـالارتـبـاط العــاطـفي. ينظر: الإتقان في علوم القرآن، جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر، السيوطي (المتوفى: 911هـ)، تحقيق: محمد أبو الفضل إبراهيم، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، (د. ط)، 1394ه-1974م : 3/ 203. وينظر: معترك الأقران في إعجاز القرآن، ويُسمَّى (إعجاز القرآن ومعترك الأقران)، جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر، السيوطي (المتوفى: 911هـ)، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت، لبنان، الطبعة الأولى 1408 هـ- 1988م : 1/242. و ينظر: معـجم المصطلحات البلاغـية، احـمد مـطلوب، مطـبعة المجـمع العلمي العراقي، 1403ه- 1983م : 1/287.

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(92) الهدايـة إلى بلوغ النهايـة في علم معـاني القرآن وتفسيره، وأحكامه، وجمل من فنـون علومه، أبو محمد مكي بن أبي طالب حَمّوش بن محمد بن مخـتار القيسـي القـيرواني ثم الأندلسـي القرطبي المالكي (المتوفى: 437هـ)، تحقـيق: مجموعة رسـائل جامعية بكلية الدراسـات العليا والبحث العلمي، جامعة الشـارقة، بإشراف أ. د: الشاهد البوشيخي، الناشـر: مجموعة بحوث الكتاب والسنة، كلـية الشريعة والدراسـات الإسـلامية، جـامعة الشـارقة، الطبعة الأولى، 1429ه- 2008م : 6/ 3951.

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How to Cite

khorshid Mama, N. ., & Qusay Ahmed, R. . (2024). The divine blessings appearing in Surah An-Nahl - an analytical rhetorical study. The blessing of creation and existence is an example. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 175–194.


