Social stability and its relationship to political trust in Kurdish parties It is a field study on university youth


  • Hazhar Osman Hussein Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Tahir Husso Zebari Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



Social stability is one of the most important issues of human societies. It is strongly related to levels of political trust in the ruling parties in society and is considered one of the most important problems associated with the development of societies. Social instability and weak political trust in the ruling parties in society are considered to be the most important problems currently suffered by developing countries. Especially after the increase in violence, wars and coups, most Third World countries are facing social and political instability that has an impact on the development and progress of these societies, which plays a major role in building material and spiritual aspects of society. It contributes to the economic development of society by creating job opportunities, which is a factor in increasing employment and productivity that brings achievements in all aspects. Social stability is not only related to the political system, but is considered one of the main characters of society. The researcher aims to conduct a thorough study on the importance of opinions, problems and causes of stability from the perspective of society. Social stability is one of the most important issues for the future of society in terms of protecting society in his individuals. The researcher has tried to study two main variables, namely political trust and social stability, where the researcher intends to show the degree of relationship between these two variables. The problem of the study tried to answer the question: Is there a relationship between social stability and political trust in Kurdish parties in the Kurdistan Region? To achieve this goal, the researcher has prepared two measures of social stability, based on the theory of functionality from the perspective of Thiurvan (Par Sons) and explaining the theory of political trust based on the theory (Hettertaftun).


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How to Cite

Osman Hussein, H., & Husso Zebari, . T. . (2024). Social stability and its relationship to political trust in Kurdish parties It is a field study on university youth. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 1176–1196.


