The influence of identity and soft power in ancient and contemporary ceramic art in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is an artistic method of painting


  • Ali Tahsin Agha Department of Archaeology, College of Arts, Department of Painting, College of Fine Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Aras Ismail Khader Department of Archaeology, College of Arts, Department of Painting, College of Fine Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



كلیلی ووشەكان : هونەری سیرامیك – هزر – شوناس شێواز و دروست كردن ،هەرێمی كوردستان .


Art in a general way and the art of glitter, in particular, has seen a once-great pantry at the national level as an absolute idea that reacts, even in the political area, and reacts to diplomacy as a designated force, and in the same time, it will establish a culture and language that embodies our differences, which makes it an explanation for the mixing of knowledgement and science, as well as in other fields of cinema, drama,Aart in general, sports, media and style. clothes and food types are especially replaced , which eventually all show the main elements of soft power In the event of strong relationships between individuals and communities, it is worth noting that the general identity of the individual will be created at the national level and will be produced in a common way that we as a nation. It believes in the existence and need of a national community, which contributes to this community, and the concept of shared intellectual interconnectedness and a sense of loyalty to the national community, based on the fact that it connects each other in the name of citizenship, so it gives others a positive view. . They're all connected. as sumerian and Babylonian civilizations in Iraq are generally left through the artistic heritage that has led to the establishment of Iraq's social identity , which This is an aid to the economic and social independence of humanity, in a way that amazes nations and other nations with these values, so that they can eventually respect it and even lead to consideration and follow-up. Public diplomacy.


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How to Cite

Tahsin Agha, A. ., & Ismail Khader, A. . (2024). The influence of identity and soft power in ancient and contemporary ceramic art in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is an artistic method of painting. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 493–508.


