Contents of administrative decentralization in the draft constitution of Kurdistan region And Kurdistan regional governorates law


  • Mokhlis Ahmed Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Most law explainers and politicians agree that administrative decentralization is the best system for their prominent role in reducing the burden of state administration, opening up an important position in the local government system.

Implications of administrative decentralization in the draft constitution of Kurdistan province and the Kurdistan provincial law.

  In addition that decentralization having several advantages, It is an administration close to the citizens emanating from the heart of the people, It is a method of local organization aimed at distributing the political function between the central authority and local bodies, That's and most of the countries that were implemented Centralization at the beginning of their formation, It began to turn into a decentralized system, which is the most popular mechanism. With regard to the status of the State of Iraq, it is based on two federal and decentralized systems, This requires demonstrating the extent to which the legislator is able to put general principles and decentralization into practice through constitutional provisions Through ordinary constitutional or legal provisions without violating them or placing them in a distorted manner or contrary to the general principles or elements on which they are based. Iraq's constitutional order has blended federal and decentralized order, through equality of Governorates in regional with the constitutional competences granted to the regionals, which the customary legal principles stipulate that they should not be granted to them وAs well as the provision in the Constitution not to be censored or supervision from some Authorities

Which is contrary to the general principles of decentralization, as the draft constitution and the governorate law also stipulated that decentralized provinces could be delegated The draft constitution and the provincial law also stipulated that decentralized provinces could be delegated Some of its terms of reference to the federal government and vice versa, This has surprised constitutional and administrative jurisprudence about how the authorization gets from bottom to up?

So we're going to try to look at these topics in our research


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How to Cite

Ahmed, M. (2024). Contents of administrative decentralization in the draft constitution of Kurdistan region And Kurdistan regional governorates law. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 1210–1221.


