The The role of indicators of banking fund managements in enhancing banking services and their strategies: A study of a sample of banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange


  • Muwaffaq Ahmad Al-Sayyidiyah Banking and Financial Sciences Dept., Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sardar Shaker Ibrahim Accounting techniques department, Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



This study aims to explain relationships and determine the impact of some indicators of fund management with enhancing banking services for a sample of 17 banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The study extracted annual data from these banks' annual reports for (11) years. Variables of money management indicators used as independent variables such as (Fixed, Current, and Saving Deposits despite Cash Credit). However, enhancing banking services is chosen as a dependent variable for calculating Deposit growth. To analyze data and its results SPSS V.26 was used. The study concluded that there are a relationship and a weak positive effect between the indicators of bank funds sources and their uses and the enhancement of banking services for the selected sample of banks. Moreover, the main recommendation of this study was there should be a necessity for working to provide a variety of financial services through expanding banking branches of Iraqi banks, and there should be paying attention to using financial technologies and modern banking services to satisfy customers and attract more new customers.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Al-Sayyidiyah, M., & Shaker Ibrahim, S. (2023). The The role of indicators of banking fund managements in enhancing banking services and their strategies: A study of a sample of banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(3), 240–251.


