The extent to which the provisions of commercial companies for organizing virtual projects are appropriate “Or the electronic resource within the meaning of Law 18-05 related to electronic commerce”


  • Karim Karima Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Djilali Liabis, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria



The impact of the use of information and communication technology on all areas of life, the most important of which was the economic field, so that commercial transactions take place electronically - electronic commerce - which is supposed to mean that the project performs its activity using this technology and thus the emergence of the idea of ​​a virtual project that does not have a tangible physical presence. Economists were interested in studying these projects as a result of their compatibility with the current needs of the digital economy. On the other hand, the legislation did not care about its legal organization in the form of a commercial company, which also became using this technology from its establishment and activity until its expiry. Released on May 10, 2018.
It follows that adapting the provisions regulating companies is not sufficient to be the best legal organization for these projects. Rather, special provisions must be developed that are commensurate with their specificity as they are linked to the digital economy, by amending the traditional provisions governing the company as the legislator did with the provisions of the commercial registry, which has become electronic.


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How to Cite

Karima, K. (2022). The extent to which the provisions of commercial companies for organizing virtual projects are appropriate “Or the electronic resource within the meaning of Law 18-05 related to electronic commerce”. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(2), 187–206.


