The role of hybrid marketing forces in improving high performance: a survey study of a sample of employees from five and four-star hotels in the cities of Erbil and Dohuk/Russian Province - Iraq


  • Vahel Muhammad Saleh Qadir Business Administration, Management and Economics, University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Darman Suleiman Sadiq Business Administration, Management and Economics, University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Fares Muhammad Fouad Naqshbandi Tourism and Hospitality Department, Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



The purpose of the current research is to know the role of the dimensions of hybrid marketing channels, represented by traditional channels, which include: (direct sales, direct mail, regular telephone, automated marketing, agents), and digital channels, which include: (email, websites, social media sites, telephones). Portable) in improving the dimensions of high performance represented by (quality of management, openness and effective orientation, long-term orientation, continuous improvement and renewal, quality of human resources), so the five- and four-star hotels in the cities of Dohuk and Erbil were chosen as a field and statistical community to conduct the research and test their hypotheses. Therefore, the current research started from a main problem based on the main question: “Are hybrid marketing channels able to improve high performance in the hotels under research?” General framework: The general framework of the research is the intellectual and field problem by raising several questions about the nature of the role and influence between the two research variables: hybrid marketing channels and high performance. The research adopted a scheme to express the logical role and expected influence between variables, and based on that, a set of hypotheses were formulated as possible answers to the research questions, and they were subjected to a set of statistical tests using the program (SPSS V.26). The research adopted the descriptive analytical approach, where the main and sub-variables were described and the influence and correlation relationships were analysed. The research population represented five- and four-star hotels in the cities of Dohuk and Erbil, and a number of these hotels were chosen as a sample to represent the community scientifically. The researchers distributed (157) A questionnaire was administered to workers in the researched hotels in the cities of Dohuk and Erbil, and (138) questionnaires were retrieved, of which (131) questionnaires were suitable for analysis. The most important conclusions and proposals: The research ended with a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which is that there is an effect of the independent variable represented by hybrid marketing channels on the dependent variable represented by high performance. This means that raising levels of high performance requires the use of hybrid marketing channels through their dimensions with each other. Based on the findings of the research, the research suggested that the hotels studied should rely on a combination of traditional and digital marketing channels and employ these two channels together to achieve communication with customers and deliver to them the value of the hotel services they provide.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Saleh Qadir, V. ., Suleiman Sadiq, D., & Muhammad Fouad Naqshbandi, F. . (2023). The role of hybrid marketing forces in improving high performance: a survey study of a sample of employees from five and four-star hotels in the cities of Erbil and Dohuk/Russian Province - Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(4), 434–447.


