The role of asthma management stages in achieving strategic success () (Comparative study of administrative leadership between public and private hospitals in Duhok province)


  • Kani Saeed Faculty of Management and Economics, Duhok University, Kurdistan of Iraq
  • Darman Sulaiman Sadiq Faculty of Management and Economics, Duhok University, Kurdistan of Iraq



Current research aims to analyze the role that asthma management plays in achieving strategic success and through field experiments a comparative study of leadership Between public and private hospitals in Duhok province, the discussion is based on the use of theoretical literature on the subject, which establishes relationships Be influenced Stages of asthma management as independent and strategic success as assured. The investigators relied on the questionnaire to collect statements from individuals during the adult investigation number (212) individuals from administrative headquarters in public and private hospitals in the province Duhok. The survey uses a number of statistical methods to confirm the quality of the survey objectives that all statistical laboratories perform. The search reached a number of outcomes related to asthma management and its stages had a positive impact on the overall strategic success. The study is a collection of key factors that activate asthma management stages to achieve strategic success goals for the hospitals under investigation.


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How to Cite

Saeed, K., & Sulaiman Sadiq, D. . (2024). The role of asthma management stages in achieving strategic success () (Comparative study of administrative leadership between public and private hospitals in Duhok province). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 763–778.


